NICU Club Charity Project: Loveys for Babies in the NICU

Join me in providing a bit of comfort to families with babies in the NICU at Children’s Minnesota this Valentines Day!

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On October 27, 2023, my twins, Alette and Harrison, were born extremely early at only 25 weeks gestational age, weighing 1lb 10oz and 1lb 12oz respectively. Our family spent just under 100 days in the NICU at Children's Minnesota receiving around the clock, life-saving medical treatment. This was a scary, anxiety-riddled, exhausting time for our family, but we received such amazing care, in addition to beautiful presents donated by loving volunteers.

Now that the twins are healthy and thriving, I want to give back to the NICU community by providing handmade loveys (mini blankets) to babies who are currently in the NICU and ICC at the same hospital. Join me in providing handmade comfort to patients and their families this Valentines Day!

The Basics

  1. Join our NICU Club, and help us reach our goal of 85 loveys! (Sign up below, and you will receive an email with all of the specifics!)
  2. Knit, crochet, or sew a mini blanket (lovey) for a precious baby in the NICU!
  3. Mail your lovey to me to wrap and deliver in time for Valentines Day!